Resources, publications and films about the Cerrado
Wervel has now launched a Google group as a first step to create a network with people working on the Cerrado. https://groups.google.com/g/save-the-cerrado
Please email cerradoteam@gmail.com if you want to join.
10 September 2018 - Wervel launches an invitation to join a transdisciplinary forum 'Save the Cerrado'. Inside and outside Brazil, there is a growing number of persons and institutions with interest in Cerrado-related themes. However many of these actors tend to work in isolation, for geographical, thematic, logistic or other reasons. Wervel calls out for more coordination, by setting up an internet forum, transdisciplinary alliances, joint conferences, or via other means. Let us know how you can contribute and join our network today!
For the full invitation and more detail, download the pdf here:
A portuguese version is accessible on this link.
Video 'Nuvens de Veneno' (Clouds of Poison). About excessive agrochemical use in Brazil and its consequences.
The Cerrado under Threat. Info brochure created by Wervel. Download pdf here:
Experiences from Brazilian agroecology trainees with Wervel: see the reports from Francele Contarini Teodolino and Marcelo Mauad Silva :
Marie De Ceuster and Chiara Bruckner, went to the Cerrado to conduct research on the social aspects of deforestation and agricultural expansion in the Cerrado; and to compare land use systems and their effect on the bee population. You can read the summaries of their research here:
Agroecology is one of the key solutions for restoring biodiversity while producing healthy food in the Cerrado. Anneleen Vos conducted a systematic literature review of worldwide experiences with agroecology, analysing the barriers and drivers for a transition to agroecology, and the role of public policy in reinforcing them. Senegal is taken as a case study, to assess how Senegalese policies in key areas support the key drivers or feed into the barriers of agroecology. You can read her research paper here: Barriers and drivers for a multidimensional regime-shift towards agroecology. Are public policies driving or impeding a transition to agroecology in Senegal?